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This weekend I had the opportunity to dive into an area of photography that I wasn't too familiar with, and well, I don't want to brag but I think I NAILED it!

I had been asked to shoot a newborn portrait session, and although I done countless children sessions and even a few babies, I had never worked with a baby so young. You have no idea how exciting this was for me. Not only do I love expanding my portfolio, but capturing this tiny human within a few days of it being born just seemed magical.

The days leading up to the session I did as much research as possible. I read articles on articles, everything from tips and tricks for helping newborns stay asleep during sessions to posing ideas. I gathered all of the information I could and jotted it all down on my handy dandy notecard.

SIDE NOTE: Recently I created a notecard for each area of portraiture I shoot. Each card has tips and tricks about lighting, technique etc, to more poses. Of course, I show up prepared to each session I have booked, however it is A LOT to remember! Its not uncommon to have a brain fart in the middle of a session, or run into an unforeseen obstacle. So, to avoid going into all out panic mode, I created this little card I can keep in my pocket to refresh my memory and keep things on track. If you are a fellow photographer and are interested in learning about these cards, comment below! I'd love to write a future blog post about it!

So Saturday morning came and I had the pleasure of meeting baby Jonathan, at just SIX days old. And oh my goodness was he precious. Jonathan could not have been more perfect. He slept basically the ENTIRE time, and barely gave a fuss when we moved him around, changed outfits and posed him. Seriously - it could not have gone any better! I guess my research paid off! The photography Gods must have been on my side, because he even waited to have a diaper back on to pee. I mean how lucky am I?!

CHECK OUT THE ADORABLENESS (not even sure that's a word, but it felt right)

Jonathan's older sister Lily was so fun to work with as well. The three - year - old waited patiently for her turn to be in front of the camera, and took my directions so well. She smiled from ear to ear, and was so gentle with her little brother. At one point she asked if we were almost finished taking photos because "he is getting heavy." We got a kick out of that!

The natural lighting was flawless, the kids were the absolute cutest and the family was beyond cooperative. The stars aligned and even the editing was a breeze! I am so grateful for the opportunity to have expanded my portfolio in this area, and I'm looking forward to doing more! So if you know of any expecting moms planning to get pictures done of their little ones, please send them my way! ;) (shameless plug)

Check back for reports on my other portrait session adventures - the good and the not so good!

Live creatively, friends!

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