That's right - three years has come and gone! Sometimes it seems like I just started this crazy ride, and other times it feels like I've been doing it FOREVER. In the grande scheme of things though, three years is a heck of a lot to be proud of.
This year I've really taken the opportunity to dive deep. What is it that I REALLY want to do with my business? My why.. what am I in this for? I've looked at my niche, my ideal clients. Why do I serve them, and how can I serve them the best possible way?
I've grown so much as a person, an artist, a business owner. There's so much to be grateful for and proud of. I'm so thankful I had such an amazing support system to pick me up when I was feeling down, push me to be my best, and always have my back.
I've got some new faces since establishing Captured back in 2018 - so why not tell them a little bit about how this all began?
Living in New England wasn't something I was always so grateful for. I definitely took it for granted when I was younger. It wasn't until I got my first camera, a Kodak point and shoot, that I started to truly understand the beauty of growing up here. I was hooked from the moment I got one and never looked back. I took film and digital classes in high school, went on to study Art in college (with a dual concentration in photography and graphic design) and when I graduated I continued to practice my passions.
I was doing freelance work for friends, mostly for free - some headshots and a few family photos. Then I started to make a few bucks doing it. And I realized, I really ENJOYED doing it. So, I thought, why not really do this? I practiced a WHOLE lot, learned whatever I could, even began doing weddings and in 2018 I officially registered as a small business.
Captured has since grown immensely over the last few years. I honestly have no words. I can't wait to see where the next 3 years takes me. Until then, I'm going to keep working hard to serve all of my incredible clients - because it has truly been an honor to get to know them and tell their story through photography and design. And that's what it's all about.
Until next time, live creatively friends.